Després d’un any de treball, l’equip de MATE ha llançat l’entorn d’escriptori MATE 1.24. Un milió de gràcies a tots els col·laboradors que han ajudat a fer-ho possible.

Novetats de MATE 1.24
Aquesta versió incorpora algunes coses noves, soluciona alguns problemes i afegeix moltes millores en general. Alguns dels exemples més visibles són:
- Ho hem tornat a fer, l’entorn d’escriptori MATE és més fàcil d’utilitzar, des de què l’usuari inicia la sessió. Voleu amagar l’inici d’aplicacions? Ara podeu definir quines aplicacions es mostraran a l’inici.
Engrampa ara és compatible amb alguns formats d’arxius nous, i també és compatible amb contrasenyes i caràcters Unicode amb alguns tipus d’arxius.
Eye of MATE ara funciona a Wayland i hem afegit compatibilitat per als perfils de colors incrustats.
- La generació de les imatges de les miniatures ha estat modificada i corregida des de l’aplicació
- Hem afegit compatibilitat per a WebP.
- El nostre de gestor de finestres Marco, incorpora molts canvis:
- Hem portat un munt de decoracions de finestres antigues per alimentar la nostàlgia.
- Finalment hem afegit un redimensionament invisible de les fronteres. No hi ha més problemes per trobar el contorn per agafar amb el ratolí!
- Tots els controls de la finestra (els botons per minimitzar, maximitzar, tancar…) ara es mostren correctament en HiDPI.
- Les finestres emergents Alt+Tab i de l’intercanviador d’espais de treball han estat refetes. Ara es mostren en un bon format d’OSD, són més configurables i poden respondre a les fletxes del teclat.
- El mosaic de finestres ara us permet recorre amb el teclat per diferents mides de la finestra. Ja no us sentireu restringit a la meitat de la pantalla.
- La miniaplicació del Monitor del sistema ara és compatible amb discs NVMe.
- La Calculadora permet introduir “pi” o “π”.
- S’ha millorat la notació científica.
- Canvis necessaris per a donar suport a les principals constants físiques predefinides.
- El Centre de control ara mostra les seves icones correctament en pantalles HiDPI.
- S’ha afegit un nou Gestor de data i hora.
- L’aplicació del Ratolí ara disposa de perfils d’acceleració.
- S’ha millorat l’aplicació de les Aplicacions preferides per a l’accessibilitat, així la integració del client de missatgeria instantània.
- La miniaplicació dels Indicadors té una interacció lleugerament millor amb les icones externes.
- Parlant de les icones, hem redissenyat als nostres temes les icones de la miniaplicació NetworkManager i ara es poden veure correctament en pantalles HiDPI.
- Si sou dels qui li agrada que no us molestin quan esteu ocupats o bé esteu fent una presentació o bé esteu mirant una pel·lícula, estareu encantats de saber que el dimoni de notificacions ara incorpora el mode no molestar.
- El Tauler de MATE tenia diversos errors que provocaven accidents heretats en fer canvis al disseny. Els hem solucionat!
- El suport per a Wayland ha millorat força.
- Les icones d’estat (també conegut com a àrea de notificacions o safata del sistema) funcionen correctament en pantalles HiDPI.
- El peix Wanda ha sofert un canvi d’imatge i ara el podeu veure en alta resolució.
- La miniaplicació de la llista de finestres ara mostra miniatures de les finestres en passar-hi el cursor per damunt.
- Millores d’accessibilitat en tot el tauler i en les seves miniaplicacions principals.
- Si el vostre sistema no li agrada systemd, potser us interessa saber que hem afegit suport per a elogind tant per a l’estalvi de pantalla com per al gestor de sessions.
- Hem afegit una eina nova, el Muntador d’imatge de discs de MATE
Mozo, l’editor de menús, ara us permet desfer i refer els canvis.
- Ara tots els connectors de Pluma estan escrits amb Python 3.
- A més, pluma ja no té res a envejar d’altres editors de text més complets, ja que ara pot mostrar les marques de format.
- i18n: S’han migrat totes les aplicacions d’intltools a gettext.
Els diferents components que integres l’entorn d’escriptori MATE 1.24 es poden baixar des del següent enllaç:
Más detalles
Aquí hi ha més detalls dels canvis més interessants.
- Fix high memory consumption when zooming
- Fix memory leak when making thumbnails and annotating texts
- Drag and Drop: Reset the
action at the beginning of the drag-and-drop operation
- Add more accelerators on the menu items
- Remove the internal build of the ‘synctex’ library, use only the external version provided by software vendors
- Fix the Greek User Guide which prevents from completing the build target
- Tiff backend: Address the failure from TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented
- Tiff backend: Fix a buffer overflow in tiff-document.c
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Migrate to Python 3 for testings
- Require GLib 2.54.0 or newer
- Require WebKitGTK-4.0 2.6.0 or newer
- Require Cairo 1.14.0 or newer
- Drop WebKitGTK-3.0 support
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- fm-properties: Remove the use of mate-desktop-thumbnail helper
- Don’t hyphenate the filenames
- Add a new extension interface: CajaWidgetViewProvider API
- Add a new object: FmWidgetView
- Fix a grammar mistake reported by the translators
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix Caja crashes when moving files in Korean locale
- Use the Show icons option in views tab
- Add a configuration option for hiding the icons in the list view
- Add the missing icons on several menu items
- Show the thumbnails in list view
- Render more icons as cairo_surfaces for better HIDPI support
- Refactor custom CSS loading into a separate function
- Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
- Restore transparent background on icon view labels
- Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel for File’s properties and caja’s preferences windows
- desktop: Force no borders on desktop items by default
- Change URL prefixes from http to https
- caja-progress-info: Add tooltips to file transfer dialog
- Add accessible names for buttons in file transfer operations dialog
- eel: Remove date & time functions
- caja-file: Fix incomplete file replacement dialog
- caja-file-operations: Add comment with false positive warning
- Fix several memory leaks all over the place
- i18n: Allow the translation of more elements of the graphic interface
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Use CAJA_EXTENSION_DIR_SYS to save and show system caja extension dir
- Show full path of caja-extension-dir
Llista de tots els canvis:
- caja-wallpaper-extension: Fix memory leak
- image-converter: Rewrite caja-image-resize.ui from scratch fixing deprecations
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Build either with gupnp version 1.0 or 1.2.
- image-converter: Don’t use non-existing icons in context menu
- i18n image-converter: Allow the translation of select an angle drop-down list
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- fr-command-rpm: Use rpm2cpio binary shipped with rpm package
- Add source rpm to supported mime-types
- 7z: Don’t set the work directory, i.e. use temporary directory
- Fix localized pause UI logic
- Zstandard: Update MIME type
- Ar: Update MIME type and add magic numbers
- LHA: Fix the Internet media type
- dlg-package-installer: Show icons in error dialog buttons
- unace 2.5: Don’t show archive summary in file listing
- java-utils: Remove blank spaces before reading package name
- Add zcompress support
- fr-command-unarchiver: Ask for the password if necessary
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix several memory leaks
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- Support the .udeb package format
- Show the application version on the command line
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista completa de canvis:
- Add eom-thumbnailer for webp files
- thumbnail: Remove use of mate-desktop-thumbnail helper
- Enable Wayland support
- EomPrintPreview: Fix preview thumbnail on HiDPI displays
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Allow color correcting images with alpha channel
- Require GLib 2.52 or newer
- store: Add any image file in the current directory to the store
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- Use persistent page setup
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Use gresources for UI files
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Locations: Add Lleida–Alguaire Airport weather station
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- locations: Change weather station for Rostov-on-Don, Russia
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- theme: Fix window control hidpi rendering for all themes.
- tabpopup: Complete rework
- window: Add optional tile size cycling
- Add more window decoration themes: Add Atlanta, Esco, Gorilla, Motif, Raleigh
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix use of RBGA visual in frame.c when compositing is not in use
- Fixed moving windows to edges to work with CSD clients.
- Add the support for the meson build system
- Make alt+tab max columns configurable and consider window label width
- Add invisible-border
- theme: Fix window state when tiling from maximized
- constraints: fix mem leak in meta_window_constrain()
- alt+tab popup: Rework
- Allow use of up/down arrow keys in alt+tab popup
- Fix several memleaks
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Use ${datadir}/dbus-1/system.d as the default D-Bus config dir
- Make the dbus directory configurable
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Make cpufreq builds independent from kernel header version.
- geyes: Avoid memory leak
- multiload: Support NVMe drives
- Make command applet run commands asynchronously
- Make translatable documenters in about dialog
- Make translatable copyright info in about dialog
- Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Enable the support for the meson build system
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix scientific presentation of complex numbers
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- mp-equation: Update values from physical constants to match with tooltip values in math-buttons
- Add unit tooltips to physical constants
- Do not focus on click
- mp-equation: Add pre-defined physical constants
- Use gresources for UI files
- mp: Fix calculate result ln(e^(i*π))
- display small numbers in scientific notation
- mate-calc: Fix memory leak
- Add support for “pi” in addition to “π”
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Update MATE_CXX_WARNINGS macro
- Set compiler debug flags in MATE_DEBUG_CHECK
- Check if AX_APPEND_FLAG and AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG are available
- Update mate-compiler-flags macro
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Search system themes in system data dirs
- display: Enable the help button
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Aeveral icon fixes for HIDPI displays
- font-viewer: Add font/collection to the supported mimetypes
- font-viewer: Add font/ttf and font/otf mime types
- Fix memory leaks im several applications
- mouse: Add support for Acceleration Profiles
- at-properties: Migrate from dbus-glib to gdbus
- support lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings as login preferences program
- Drop libXxf86 dependency
- Use python3 for gla11y
- Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel in several capplets
- Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
- Add new time-admin application
- Add instant messenger keybinding into mate-keybinding-properties
- default-applications: Add a widget for a default messenger application
- capplets: Use gresources for UI files
- Migrate from dbus-glib to GDBus
- Use system data dirs to locate key bindings
- default-applications: Improve UI accessibility
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Drop mate_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf()
- Increase the size of thumbnails to 256
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Move remaining peripheral schemas to mate-settings-daemon
- schema: Move mouse schemas to mate-settings-daemon
- schemas: Define schema for a default messenger
- Add test code for mate-languages.
- Add the support for the meson build system
- Fix some memory leaks
- MateHSV implementation (GtkHSV fork)
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Add status icons for mobile network connections
- Rework volume-status icons
- Add vpn network status icons
- Update network status icons
- Add dropbox-status icons
- Add mate/256x256/actions/mail-send.png
- Fix mate/22x22/devices/printer.png
- Upscale 22x22px icons to 24x24px adding 1px to the edges
- Use radial gradient (Blur 13.9%, Opacity 73.4%) for MATE logo shadow
- Add missing preferences-system-time icon
- Display the volume status with a better contrast in panels
- Generate png mimetypes icons from paper-sheets.svg - Mate theme
- Generate preferences-system-time.png from from source
- Generate png icons from source - Mate theme, apps, categories & devices
- Update terminal icons for mate theme
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Resize indicator icons to fit panel
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- gvc applet: Add missing translations (i18n)
- Scroll the volume in configurable steps same as media-keys
- Add the scroll interface using the mouse wheel
- Allow to dissable either statusicon or panelapplet
- Enable a mute menuitem for the output
- Add a new real panel-applet
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Use datadir and libdir variables when installing gir files
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Add an option to disable the bold face of the window title in applet
- Make the ‘show-home-title’ feature work again
- Change preference label for the window picker applet, and add a tooltip
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Use gresource for mate-notification-properties.ui
- mate-notification-properties: Add do-not-disturb feature
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Avoid double a11y description on panel toplevels
- clock applet: Add a call to ATK to provide the current displayed time
- status-notifier: Improve HIDPI support
- fish: Use a higher resolution image for Wanda the Fish
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- panel-toplevel: Fix applets placement on expanded vertical panel
- [clock-applet] Add scroll interface tabs with mouse wheel
- More improvements for Wayland support
- Make system-tray X11-only
- Make panel-struts X11-only
- Make panel-multimonitor Wayland ready
- Make panel-background Wayland ready
- Make panel-background-monitor X11-only
- Load and store what platforms applets support
- panel-addto support disabling applets
- Panel addto Wayland support
- Fix reloading the default layout after panel reset
- Fix random crashes on panel reset
- window-list: Show window previews on hover
- Fix panel applet keyboard focus trap
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Migrate from GSimpleAsyncResult to GTask
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- icons: Add higher resolution icons
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Require upower-0.99.8 or newer
- Use up_client_get_devices2()
- Use gresources for ui files
- Add scroll interface tabs with mouse wheel
- Add conf option to disable warnings for low mouse power
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Ensure lock on suspend and unlock on resume
- Use gresources for ui files
- Drop libXxf86 dependency
- Add ELOGIND support
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix timeout with gnome-keyring 3.34
- Fix mate-session-properties vertical scaling
- test-inhibit: Migrate to gdbus
- Add Show hidden checkbox and gsettings flag.
- Hide NoDisplay Apps in Startup Applications
- Fix several memory leaks
- Add hardware-compatibility file
- Fix unable to retrieve org.gnome.SessionManager.Renderer property
- Add mate_session_check_accelerated helpers
- Add ELOGIND support
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Require DBUS 1.10.0 or newer
- Default DBUS_SYS_DIR to ${datadir}/dbus-1/system.d
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- xrandr: Add bigger icon sizes for tray-applet
- Hide MATE Settings Daemon from Startup Applications capplet
- Add remaining peripheral schemas from mate-desktop
- mouse: Add the acceleration profiles
- Change media-keys volume-step default from 6 to 5 in the gschema
- plugins: Drop libXxf86 dependency
- plugins housekeeping: Code optimization
- media-keys: Execute default instant messaging application defined by schema
- locate-pointer: Do not grab pointer button when trying to locate
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Require GLib 2.56.0 or newer
- Improve the support for HiDPI
- Add the disk I/O info on the usage and prefs section
- Fix some memory leak
- Add the disk IO on process info
- Show the GPU info on the System tab
- Support up to 32 CPUs
- Show available disk space in ZFS
- Show OpenIndiana release and kernel info in System tab
- Show FreeBSD sysname, release, version in System tab
- Fix openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling release info
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Fix several memory leaks
- terminal-screen: Fix warning when closing window
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Make “highlighting things under mouse pointer” configurable
- Show confirmation dialog if there are multiple open tabs on closing
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Update reporting-bugs section
- Remove the custom-command-options section and address the syntax
- Update preferred applications section
- Replace the docbook links with xref and fix a linkend attribute (#30)
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix HTTPD config notice
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Use gresources for UI files
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Add the MATE Disk Image Mounter utility
- logview: Use the preferred date&time representation for the current locale
- Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel
- Make inkscape and rsvg-convert optional
- Fix some memory leaks
- Regenerate png icons from svg files
- Update the documenters in the about dialog
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Add Undo and Redo buttons
- Fix item drag & drop creating copies, fix undo, redo and a crash when refreshing
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Add the support for the meson build system
- Fix creating new menus and items
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- window: Do not override GdkWindowState
- Fix some memory leaks
- Fix build with GtkSourceView 3.22
- spell-checker plugin: Add missing translation (i18n)
- Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
- Add draw spaces/tabs/newlines options
- Add snippet to toggle comment/uncomment
- pluma-print-preview: Fix warning: identical expressions
- Switch to Python 3
- Manual: Update how pluma can be opened from menu
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Drop the support for Python 2
- Add the support to build using Python 3.9
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Llista de tots els canvis: